Ultimate Toefl Vocabulary List: The 327 Best Words To Know


The first và second chapters describe the exam itself; these chapters do accurately describe the importance of vocabulary on the demo, but the descriptions and examples reflect the old format of the TOEFL rather than the new version rolled out in 2019.

Bạn đang xem: Ultimate toefl vocabulary list: the 327 best words to know

In these first two chapters, there is a special emphasis on TOEFL Reading, the section where vocabulary is tested the most rigorously. The second chapter focuses exclusively on the Reading section.

Chapters 3 and 4 are impressive sầu resources for improving và building vocabulary. The tips, tricks, & study supports in these chapters are fantastic! Reading those chapters, I found myself wishing I’d known about this book when I first started teaching the TOEFL. It would have been a great resource for my students.

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Chapters 5 và 6: Practice, Practice, Practice

“Chapter” 5 of this book is not so much a chapter as it is a large section. This chapter is over 250 pages long và contains 30 vocabulary lessons. Each individual lesson introduces students to lớn 17 new vocabulary words that are common on the TOEFL. Definitions & example sentences are given for each word, followed by a synonym-matching exercise và a phối of TOEFL vocabulary-in-context Reading questions.

Once you’ve learned these 510 words, the book will continue with its emphasis on vocabulary use in TOEFL Reading. In Chapter 6, you’ll go through a full TOEFL Reading section, with three passages và three question sets. This Reading section is patterned after the pre-2019 TOEFL exam, but it really isn’t that different from the current version of the chạy thử. Each passage comes with extra questions beyond the 10 questions per passage in the current exam. But the styles of passage và types of question remain accurate.

The Index

Last but not least, at the over of the book there is an alphabetical index of all the vocabulary words. This is very useful, because the vocabulary words in the 30 lessons found in Chapter 5 are not presented in alphabetical order.

Should You Buy This Book?

While I vì lượt thích this book, it’s not necessarily for everyone. If you are already feeling confident in your vocabulary with the free resources you currently have sầu access lớn (such as fanbangparty.com TOEFL’s không lấy phí flashcards), you may not need this book. But if you want lớn give your vocabulary learning an extra boost, or if vocabulary is an especially important challenge for you as you prepare for the TOEFL, this book is a helpful, affordable option.